Commercial manager for Argentina Responsible for Contract Management of Service Contracts (Plant Life Exension and Repowering and New Class II Diesel Generators Station), at Embalse NPP (till 2013) Head of Power Projects Business Unit (till 2013)
Head of Power Projects Business Unit, responsible for New Reactors Projects (e.g. AP1000), Nuclear Services Projects (e.g. Embalse CANDU Plant repowering and plant life extension) and Fusion Projects (e.g. ITER Vacuum Vessel and IVT Divertor prototype). The Unit accounted for around 25 professionals (Project Managers and Projects Engineers, Construction Manager and Engineers). Leader negotiator with State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (China) for AP1000 Metal Containment Technology Transfer.
For more than twenty years, as Project Manager and Head of Unit, among other duties, he has coordinated all the Ansaldo activities related to AP1000 and to R&D for next generation reactors (e.g. GEN IV, sodium and lead cooled fast reactors). He has also been responsible for the design and construction of the high/intermediate liquid waste storage facility at the EUREX Center of SOGIN at Saluggia and in previous years he has been leading the studies and conceptual design activities for the Interim Dry Storage of High Level Waste (e.g. irradiated fuel and glass canisters coming from reprocessing). He has represented the Italian industry within the European ADS Technical Working Group chaired by Prof. Carlo Rubbia. He has been vice-chair of the Executive Committee of the Sustainable Nuclear Energy-Technology Platform and has coordinated several R&D Projects within EC Framework Programs. Coordinator of R&D activities for the development of nuclear engine for space application. Project Manager of Ucrainian based projects at Chernobyl and Kmelnitski. He also has been Ansaldo Representative to the Board of Directors of the NNS Company, jointly owned with AREVA, involved in Superphenix decommissioning activities. In the years 2010-2013 the activities of the ITER Vacuum Vessel Contract were reported to him by his staff directly involved.